
Showing posts from September, 2024

Seven Days Creation First Mistake

In our recent episodes, we have demonstrated that God has a beginning, an origin. He was not the only one who created the universe but by many gods. He is without gender. He is without form. Although there is no known evidence or pictures how he really looks like, various images of Him can be found in the homes and churches of these people who worship him. Do they not realize that the images of god on their altars are not the real images of god? We've also shown that Jesus Christ is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The name "Jesus Christ" is not a first name and last name; He is not the true Messiah referred in the OT, nor is He the Son of God. The pictures or images venerated by both Catholics and Christians are fraudulent that does not accurately depict the physical appearance of Jesus Christ. Do they not know that the picture of jesus christ in their altar is not the true picture of Christ? So, why do these believers pray to these potentially deep fake images of ...

God: Male or Female

 Episode #18 In the last episode, we proved that God has an origin. The universe was created not just by one god, but by many gods. The god of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the only god who mercilessly kills innocent people, animals, and nature. This god is also not perfect because the Bible, which he made through the Holy Spirit, has many errors. This god is also not wise because the outcome of his creations is flawed, and because of this, he creates new beings from within the members of a family, like the family of Noah or the family of Adam and Eve. This abhorrent growth of the race is called Incest. Before we prove whether God is male or female, let’s first focus on where the idea or concept of God came from. Various theories exist regarding the origin of the term “God.” These ideas all stem from a general belief that a supernatural being with greater power than human being exist. We all know that Old Testament was written in Hebrew, while the New Testament was written in...

Biblical Symbollism

The Bible mentions various creatures and supernatural beings: 1. **Satyrs**: In the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, the term "satyr" appears in passages like Isaiah 13:21 and 34:14. However, these references are generally understood to describe wild goats or demonic entities rather than the half-man, half-goat creatures from Greek mythology¹. 2. **Dragons**: The term "dragon" is used in several places in the Bible, often symbolizing chaos, evil, or powerful adversaries. For example, in the book of Revelation, the dragon represents Satan (Revelation 12:3-9). In the Old Testament, dragons are sometimes depicted as sea monsters or serpents, such as Leviathan in Isaiah 27:1²³. 3. **Unicorns**: The KJV mentions unicorns in several verses (e.g., Numbers 23:22, Deuteronomy 33:17). However, modern translations typically render the Hebrew word "re'em" as "wild ox" or "buffalo." The term "unicorn" in these contexts likely ref...

Who or What Created God: Episode 17

Episode #17: In the recent episodes, we have explored various aspects related to Jesus Christ. We’ve discovered that Jesus is not ever mentioned in the Bible. His name is not his first name and last name.  He has no definitive description of what he looks like. Additionally,  he is not the true Messiah mentioned in the old testament or the actual Son of God. Contrary to popular belief, Jesus was not American but rather of Arab descent (galilean semites).  Now, let’s delve into the question of who or what created God. We will explore this by simply focusing on the first verse of Genesis being translated into Hebrew.  We know that the original language of the Bible is Hebrew. It has some unique characteristics because  each letter carries individual meanings beyond the combined meaning of its entire word. For instance, in English, the word “GOD” signifies a supreme being. However, in Hebrew, the letter “G” has a distinct meaning compared to “O” or “D.” Interesting...

Stairway to Heaven: Episode 16

In the recent episodes, we discussed that heaven and the soul are the most important things for those who believe in God. Because heaven, believed to be a paradise, is where souls (especially those of Middle Easterners) go on Judgment Day. However, we have proven that heaven and the soul are both untrue. In this episode, we will discuss what kind of transportation souls, if they exist, would use to get to heaven. Jeep? Airplane? Or spaceship? The Bible says that to get to heaven, you must use a very long ladder that connects the earth to heaven. This is stated in Genesis 28:10-17. On this ladder, angels are seen ascending and descending from above. In these verses, we see that the heaven referred to in the Bible is the sky above us where birds fly. This concept is not unusual because, in those times, many different civilizations believed that the sky above their heads was the place where gods lived. Because of this, their kings or bishops built tall pyramids or temples to reach the sky...

Genocide of God: Episode 15

Episode 14: In the last episodes, we have proven that, first of all, Jesus Christ is not in the Bible. Secondly, the name Jesus Christ is not a first name and last name. Thirdly, the images of Christ worshipped by many are not his true face. Fourthly, he is not the true messiah and true son of God. And, finally, his race is Arab and not American. In this episode, we will discuss the bad traits of God as a mass murderer. Who killed more, God or Satan? Based on the Bible, we can see the heinous killings by God of innocent people, newborn babies, pitiful old people, and the ways his apostles were killed. We also examine if Satan killed even a single person or not in the bible. In Gen 7: The Great Flood of Noah 18 And the waters rose, and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark went up high above the waters. 19 And the whole earth, and all the high mountains, and under the whole sky, were greatly submerged in water. 20 Fifteen cubits upward it rose; and the mountains were covered. 21 A...

God approves Incest : Episode 14

The Bible does imply that Adam and Eve’s children would have had to marry and have children with their siblings to populate the Earth According to the Bible, after the Great Flood, Noah and his family were the only humans left on Earth. Noah’s family consisted of his wife, his three sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth), and their wives. To repopulate the Earth, the descendants of Noah’s sons would have intermarried, which implies close familial relationships. The Bible mentions who was on Noah's Ark in several verses. Here are the key ones: - **Genesis 7:1**: "Then the Lord said to Noah, 'Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.'" - **Genesis 7:7**: "And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood." - **Genesis 7:13**: "On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, enter...

The True Face of Jesus Christ: Episode 13

Episode 13: Have you ever asked yourself: What if the Bible was made by the devil, and the god you worship is actually the devil pretending to be God? Have you thought about these questions? Have you read the Bible from different perspectives and examined the negative or abominable parts of it? If not, I invite you to explore these. You might find that your beliefs are not true, just like people in the past who believed the world was flat and not round. In the last episode, we proved that Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, that the name Jesus Christ is not a first and last name, that he is not the true messiah referred to by God, and we also discussed his disrespect towards his mother, father, and other people. In this episode, we will discuss the appearance of Jesus Christ, where he came from, what his race was, where he was born, and where he lived. What did he look like back then? Many believe that Jesus Christ was American, or white, with blue eyes, long hair, tall, and slender. Bu...