Seven Days Creation First Mistake
In our recent episodes, we have demonstrated that God has a beginning, an origin. He was not the only one who created the universe but by many gods. He is without gender. He is without form. Although there is no known evidence or pictures how he really looks like, various images of Him can be found in the homes and churches of these people who worship him. Do they not realize that the images of god on their altars are not the real images of god?
We've also shown that Jesus Christ is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The name "Jesus Christ" is not a first name and last name; He is not the true Messiah referred in the OT, nor is He the Son of God. The pictures or images venerated by both Catholics and Christians are fraudulent that does not accurately depict the physical appearance of Jesus Christ. Do they not know that the picture of jesus christ in their altar is not the true picture of Christ?
So, why do these believers pray to these potentially deep fake images of god and christ?
From this situation, we can say that millions of believers are not aware that the images of God and Christ in their altars and churches are all fabrications and deceptions. That is why perhaps their prayers go unanswered because they are directed toward the wrong god and messiah.
If these evidence suggest that the images and names of God and Christ are indeed fake, it would be a significant falsehood and an insult to the intelligence of those who believe in them. But why do they still believe on these fake pictures? Could it be nothing but blind faith alone or they are just dumb?
In this episode, we will continue our discussion about the seven days of creation in the book of Genesis and show why the "Seven Days of Creation" story is riddled with inaccuracies and cannot be considered true based on scientific study and rational thinking.
In episode #15, we established that the verse "in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth" was inaccurately translated into English. Since in Hebrew, the original language of the Bible, the verse is written as "Breishit Bara Elohim Et Hashmayim v’Et Ha’aretz."
Breaking it down, "Breishit" means "the beginning," "bara" means "created," and "elohim" refers to "the gods." When we combine these words into a sentence, word for word, it becomes "The beginning created the gods."
In the second part of the verse, "et" signifies "the heavens," "v'et" means "and," and "Ha’aretz" represents "the land." Thus, if we complete the translation of "Breishit Bara Elohim Et Hashmayim v’Et Ha’aretz", it is now "The beginning created the gods, the heavens, and the land," rather than the incorrect version, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth." These two similar-sounding verses have distinct meanings.
In previous episodes, we demonstrated that the Bible, considered sacred and divinely guided, contains undeniable mistakes, contradictions, and errors.
One clear mistake in the Bible can be found in the account of the first day of creation in Genesis: "in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth." The accurate translation, as we've just discussed, reveals a more likely correct version.
The first passage indeed contain inaccuracies as they contradict scientific knowledge and rational thinking. This is because before our sun and earth came into existence, various planets and stars were first formed during the early stages of the universe.
Even within our solar system, Earth was not the first planet to be created. Many other planets, stars, and galaxies were formed earlier in our Milky Way. Therefore, it is impossible that Earth was the first to be created on the first day and the other celestial objects of the cosmos came later.
This demonstrates that the idea of Earth being created first before the other parts of the universe is a significant mockery to the intelligence of mankind since just as humans go through stages from infancy to old age, the universe also exhibits the same stages of planetary birth and death. Creation follows a systematic process.
Another major error in the Bible pertains to the interpretation of the creation of the heavens. Remember that on the first day, God only created two things: the heavens and the Earth.
However, in the books of Genesis, Corinthians, and John, there are three interpretations of "heaven." It is referred to the clouds or the sky, the universe, or another dimension. By applying logic and the process of elimination, we can surely determine that only one of them can be correct.
First, if "heaven" refers to the entire cosmos, and Earth comes with it, then it cannot be the sky or another dimensions.
However, the term ""heaven"" cannot be the entire universe because the universe can be observed and detected by instruments, whereas ""heaven"" cannot be seen or detected in any way. Therefore, it cannot be the universe.
Second, if ""heaven"" were another dimension, it would be clear that Earth is not part of this dimension. If it were, then we would all be in the heavens. However, this is not true; Earth is not part of the heavens, so it cannot be another dimension.
The only logical answer remaining is that "heaven" refers to the arch or firmament above our heads. It is the ceiling or dome that envelops us and the world that sustains life. This concept is also supported by the bible, found in the Book of Revelation.
Even beyond the Bible, ancient painters, sculptors, and writers associated "heaven" with the sky or clouds where God resides. Evidence of these ideas can be seen in their artworks and sculptures from ancient times.
The depictions of angels guarding heavenly gates, cherubim playing harps, and saints seated on clouds clearly show that sky represent the heavens. These artistic interpretations were influenced by their daily experiences: the sky above their heads and the ground beneath their feet. This perspective on the relationship between above and below shaped the concept of heaven and earth.
Remember that in ancient times, people had not yet discovered the term "world" or "Earth." They knew only that they stood on the ground, and above them was the sky. Similar to your experience when you look outside your window now, you only see the sky and the land—just these two things.
The story of creation is a concept crafted by ancient people who lacked knowledge, with limited vocabulary, and who held personal opinions on their beliefs. In those early times, the writers of the Bible believed that the Earth was the center of the universe (geocentric theory), with foundations, pillars, corners, and edges, asserting that the world was flat and not spherical.
It was only on this modern days, that the Catholic Church accepted the heliocentric theory, which means that the sun is the center of our solar system discovered in 1543, challenged in 1616, and in 1758 the church accepted the theory and disregarded earth as the center of the universe as indicated in the bible (Joshua 10) much like changing its stand that it is only man and woman that can be married.
These mistakes and revisions highlight that the Bible, considered a sacred text guided by God, contains inaccuracies. It contradicts the belief that their God is perfect, all-knowing, and without any flaws.
The Bible was written over a period of about 1,500 years, with different parts written in both ancient and medieval times:
The earliest parts of the Bible were written around 1,400–1,500 BC, when the Lord is believed to have written down God's word on stone tablets at Mount Sinai. The first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, were likely written between 1000–500 BC, with the final redaction and canonization of the Torah taking place during the Babylonian Exile in the 600 BC. The oldest existing copies of the Hebrew Bible are the Dead Sea Scrolls, which date back to between 250 BC and 100 AD.
During the Middle Ages, there were several phases of Bible translation, which were often associated with royal or episcopal patronage, monasteries, universities, and popular movements.
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written in three languages by around 40 authors. The Old Testament scriptures were written in ancient Hebrew on animal skin scrolls, while the books of the New Testament were written in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. The books were eventually combined into a single work, probably during the first century BCE
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