Bathala Cosmological Argument

English Translation:

For centuries, many wise individuals have developed arguments regarding the existence of God. The initial question often posed is, "If there is no God, how was everything created—like the earth, the sun, and the entire universe? How were animals, plants, and humans brought into existence? How could all this have come about without an intelligent creator?"

This is known as the Argument of a Creator, or the Cosmological Argument. The cosmological argument is a classic philosophical stance aimed at proving the existence of God. It asserts that everything in the universe must have a cause, and this cause is believed to be God.

Notable figures who have supported the idea of God's existence include Aristotle and Aquinas. Among the renowned critics are Epicurus, Hume, and Russell. I would also mention Atheista ng Pilipinas as one of these critics, as I have conducted original studies countering the existence of God. These are not mere conjectures or ideas drawn from nowhere; these principles are based on many years of work.

In one of my personal studies, I have demonstrated that things can be created without the need for a human or a god. I call this argument the Bathala Cosmological Argument through The Genie Effect. The first part of its principle states that "Everything is formed or created because other things form or create them". The second part of this principle will be presented in the third series of our podcast.

So the Bathala Cosmological Argument asserts that:

  1. Everything exists because other things cause it to exist (Genie Effect).
  2. God exists.
  3. Therefore, God exists because other things cause him to exist.

The Genie Effect can be easily understood through the Bahay Kubo Creation Analogy. Suppose we are to create a chair, a cabinet, or a house. To build them, we need of course some plywood, wood, pillars, nails, hammers, saws, and a carpenter. All these elements are called Materials.

Aside from materials, we also need instructions or methods to assemble them. This is like a manual where all the guidelines for building something are laid out. For example, in building a house, we start with its foundation. Next, the pillars or frame are constructed. After that, we install the plywood, ceiling, and roof. Finally, we add the windows, doors, and stairs. Then, we paint and beautify everything. These sequential procedures are referred to as methods or Instructions.

Thus, to create something, two elements must be present: Materials and Instructions. Remember too that they always come with a process involved in the creation.

Now, do we need a person or a god to create something? Do we need a person or a god to create fire? Do we need a person or a god to create music? Do we need a person or a god to create the sea, the universe, and the planet?

According to The Genie Effect, in order to create something, other elements must be present. These elements can be categorized as Materials and Instructions.

For example, let's examine how fire is created. To create fire four elements must be present: oxygen, heat, fuel, and a process (chemical reactions). If one of these elements is missing, fire cannot be created. The world, on its own, can create fire because it has oxygen, fuel, heat, and the chemical reactions required. These elements act as the materials, and the processes involved are the instructions. Here we can conclude that neither a person nor a god is necessary to create fire.

Music also does not require a person to exist. Natural phenomena such as waves, wind, rain, waterfalls, leaves rustling, bird songs, and insect sounds all produce music. These materials inherently possess the instructions to create their own sounds and rhythms.

Similarly, the sea, the planet, and the universe do not need a person or a god for their creation. Mother Nature holds the materials and instructions to bring these into existence.

Thus, trough The Genie Theory, we show that everything can be formed without the intervention of a person or a god. Earthquakes, storms, or volcanic eruptions are created by natural elements coming together and not the direct work of a deity or human.

Another principle is The Marble Paradigm, or the Holen Effect. Through this model, I discovered that through materials and instructions, the world, the universe, and everything within can be created without any intervention from a god. Fascinating, isn't it?

For example, imagine only two things existed before everything was created: a marble (the material) and a law (the instruction). The law directs that every second, the marble must produce another marble.

Following this instruction, after one second, the first marble becomes two marbles. After two seconds, there are now four marbles. After three seconds, eight marbles, and so forth and so on. After billions of years, the entire universe would be filled with marbles shaping the cosmos.

This demonstration shows that the universe can be formed without a designer. The Individual marbles shape the universe's structure, but they do not design it, nor does the first marble.

Each marble contributes to the formation of the universe. If Earth is one of these marbles, and you are a product of these marbles, it is logical to say that you also helped shape the universe. Hence, you are one of the creators of our cosmos as well.

However, the question remains: where did the first marble and its instructions come from?

I'll leave you hanging here for now. But we will discuss these questions and the second principle of the Genie Effect in the third series after I present various arguments against the existence of God. I'm doing this to help you understand the different principles and processes I've discovered to fully grasp the concept of the Genie Effect before we move on to the Super Theory of Everything. I will also share the results and theories from my personal experiments to show that everything I'm saying here is not made up. All of these are original and proudly Filipino-made!

Here, we've demonstrated that something can be created or formed without needing a god or a human. In order to create something, two elements must be present: materials and instructions. Because of the Genie Effect, a god can be formed from other things.. These other things consist of materials and instructions which always undergo a process to form.

Thus, in order for god to exist, there must be three things needed: materials, instructions, and the process to form god. If  god possesses magic, as many religious fanatics believe, it still needs these three elements to exist. If one of these elements is missing,  god cannot be created.

Well, in the next episode, we will discuss the Argument of Design or fine-tuning, which suggests that the laws of nature and the universe were meticulously crafted by a being to support life. This idea implies that the laws and conditions of the universe have a creator. And this creator is God.

Counter Arguments:

Critics of the cosmological argument often point to several objections, such as questioning the leap from identifying a first cause to identifying that cause as God, or challenging the necessity of a first cause altogether. Some argue that the universe might be self-causing or that the concept of causation itself may not apply to the universe as a whole. Despite these criticisms, the cosmological argument remains a central topic of debate, illustrating humanity's enduring quest to understand the origins of existence and the possibility of a higher power.

The cosmological argument posits that everything that exists has a cause, ultimately leading to the existence of a First Cause, often identified as God. Here are some counter-arguments against it:

Infinite Regress Argument: Critics argue that if every effect must have a cause, this should apply to the First Cause as well, leading to an infinite regress with no ultimate origin.

Quantum Mechanics: Quantum physics suggests that certain events at a quantum level appear to occur without a deterministic cause, challenging the notion that everything must have a cause.

Self-Existence Paradox: If the universe requires an explanation for its existence, then why does the First Cause (e.g., God) not require an explanation for its own existence? The argument is seen as selectively applying the principle of causality.

Alternate Explanations: Some propose that the universe might be eternal or have a different kind of origin that does not necessitate a First Cause, such as the multiverse theory.

Logical Fallacy: Some philosophers argue that the cosmological argument commits a category mistake by applying causality, which is observed within the universe, to the universe as a whole.

Anthropic Principle: This principle suggests that the universe's conditions are as they are because otherwise, we wouldn't be here to observe it. It does not necessarily imply a First Cause.

These counter-arguments highlight the philosophical complexities and ongoing debates surrounding the cosmological argument.

About Atheista ng Pilipinas:

The name “Atheista ng Pilipinas:” is a symbolic pseudonym or pen name of the author. The author is a teacher, an engineer, and a writer. He is one of the authors of physics books used by students in the Philippines. He formally founded “The Voice of Philippine Atheism” in 2000. Additionally, he has written several books in philosophy, religion, technology, and science, which can be found on Amazon.

Disclaimer: The articles on “Atheista ng Pilipinas” are intended for balanced education. Since this site is continually edited, updated, and improved, I recommend you to check back frequently for new content. 

If you wish to use any material here for the purpose of scholarly discussion, scientific research, thesis, journals, books, please inform the author by email or cite as follows: 
* In-text citation: (Atheista ng Pilipinas, 1975)
* Reference List: Atheista (1975). Bibliya: Ebidensya Laban Sa Diyos. Philippines.
* Website: Atheista (2000). Bakit Walang Diyos.

Tags: The Voice of Philippine Atheism, atheist, Pinoy atheist, atheism, Pinoy atheismo, Philippine Atheism, Filipino Atheists, Atheists of the Philippines, Atheista ng Pilipinas

The Voice of Philippine Atheism.

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