The True Face of Jesus Christ: Episode 13

Episode 13:

Have you ever asked yourself: What if the Bible was made by the devil, and the god you worship is actually the devil pretending to be God? Have you thought about these questions? Have you read the Bible from different perspectives and examined the negative or abominable parts of it? If not, I invite you to explore these. You might find that your beliefs are not true, just like people in the past who believed the world was flat and not round.

In the last episode, we proved that Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, that the name Jesus Christ is not a first and last name, that he is not the true messiah referred to by God, and we also discussed his disrespect towards his mother, father, and other people.

In this episode, we will discuss the appearance of Jesus Christ, where he came from, what his race was, where he was born, and where he lived. What did he look like back then?

Many believe that Jesus Christ was American, or white, with blue eyes, long hair, tall, and slender. But none of this is true.

First of all, there is no description of his appearance in the New Testament. There is also no photo or drawing of his appearance, or even his skeleton or bones after he died. His appearance is nothing but a figment of imagination.

We can determine his race by studying where he was born and lived (based on primatology, paleoanthropology, osteology, and paleography)

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Bethlehem is in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, which is modern-day Israel, is in the Middle East where Arabs live. Therefore, Jesus was an Arab.

He then lived in Nazareth, a city in Galilee, which is known as the largest city of Arabs.

From this, we can see that Jesus was an Arab.

Because he was an Arab, his skin color was not white but brown. His eyes were not blue but black. His hair was not long but curly, and he was not tall but short, and he was not slim but muscular because he was a carpenter.

Many do not know that long hair during Jesus’ time was a shame to the person who had it. So, Jesus had short hair.

You can see an Arab picture of Jesus if you Google his image. If you want, you can visit my website to see the true face of Jesus.

There is a high chance that you will not accept this picture.

If you do accept it, I challenge you to replace all the pictures of Jesus in your homes with his Arab image.

We have proven here that the picture worshipped by Catholics and Christians is a fake image of Jesus Christ, the name Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, and Jesus Christ is not the true messiah mentioned in the Old Testament. If this evidence proves that Christ is just a figment of imagination, to whom are the Catholic and Christian devotees praying?

In summary of our discussions, from the first episode until now, we have proven that God is not real based on the following evidence:

  1. The formation of the Bible and its contents, which can be seen in episode #4.
  2. The true church of God and its founders, which can be seen in episode #5.
  3. The Catholic doctrine versus its Judaism, which can be seen in episodes #6, 7, and 8.
  4. The errors, additions, and lies in the Bible, which can be seen in episode #9.
  5. The name Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, the explanation is in episode #10.
  6. Jesus is not the true messiah, the explanation is in episode #11.
  7. The rudeness of Jesus can be seen in episode #12.
  8. The true appearance of Christ can be seen in episode #13.

In the next episode, we will discuss the bad traits of God, who killed more, God or Satan, and who created God?

About Atheista ng Pilipinas:

The name “Atheista ng Pilipinas:” is a symbolic pseudonym or pen name of the author. The author is a teacher, an engineer, and a writer. He is one of the authors of physics books used by students in the Philippines. He formally founded “The Voice of Philippine Atheism” in 2000. Additionally, he has written several books in philosophy, religion, technology, and science, which can be found on Amazon.

Disclaimer: The articles on “Atheista ng Pilipinas” are intended for balanced education. Since this site is continually edited, updated, and improved, I recommend you to check back frequently for new content. 

If you wish to use any material here for the purpose of scholarly discussion, scientific research, thesis, journals, books, please inform the author by email or cite as follows: 
* In-text citation: (Atheista ng Pilipinas, 1975)
* Reference List: Atheista (1975). Bibliya: Ebidensya Laban Sa Diyos. Philippines.
* Website: Atheista (2000). Bakit Walang Diyos.

Tags: The Voice of Philippine Atheism, atheist, Pinoy atheist, atheism, Pinoy atheismo, Philippine Atheism, Filipino Atheists, Atheists of the Philippines, Atheista ng Pilipinas

The Voice of Philippine Atheism.


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