Stairway to Heaven: Episode 16
In the recent episodes, we discussed that heaven and the soul are the most important things for those who believe in God. Because heaven, believed to be a paradise, is where souls (especially those of Middle Easterners) go on Judgment Day. However, we have proven that heaven and the soul are both untrue.
In this episode, we will discuss what kind of transportation souls, if they exist, would use to get to heaven. Jeep? Airplane? Or spaceship?
The Bible says that to get to heaven, you must use a very long ladder that connects the earth to heaven. This is stated in Genesis 28:10-17. On this ladder, angels are seen ascending and descending from above.
In these verses, we see that the heaven referred to in the Bible is the sky above us where birds fly. This concept is not unusual because, in those times, many different civilizations believed that the sky above their heads was the place where gods lived. Because of this, their kings or bishops built tall pyramids or temples to reach the sky.
These kings would sit at the top of their temples or pyramids with long staircases, like the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has about 800 steps. People then thought that these long staircases could possibly reach heaven. However, these pyramids had limitations in reaching the sky.
Instead of a pyramid, in Genesis 11:1-9, the Tower of Babel was built by people to try again to reach heaven. But again, the tower also had limitations.
Here, we see that the heaven referred to by people in the past was the sky above their heads, and this heaven has no connection whatsoever to religion.
In the story of Ezekiel, it is suggested that a spaceship might be used to go to heaven. If heaven is a dimension where heaven is located, could a spaceship be used to get there? But, were there spaceships back then? Are UFOs real?
In this part, I will show some calculations on how large a spaceship would need to be to travel from one galaxy to our galaxy. A small spaceship, like those believed by some people who believe in UFOs, is too small to travel from one galaxy to another.
The largest airplane in the world is the Russian Antonov An-225. It weighs about 700 tons, is 300 feet long, has a wingspan of 300 feet, and can only fly at a speed of 550 mph.
If an apple weighs approximately 5 lbs and 1 ton is approximately 2000 lbs, it means that if 1 ton has 400 apples, 700 tons would be approximately 300,000 apples.
If a football field (360 feet by 160 feet) can hold 7000 people and if the weight of one person is 200 lbs or 40 apples, this football field can be filled with 300,000 apples.
Now, traveling to the sun at a speed of 60 mph would take 180 years to get there. If you use the space shuttle, it would take 38,000 years to reach the end of one light-year. A light-year is a distance of approximately 10 trillion kilometers or 6 trillion miles.
The nearest galaxy to us is 100,000 light-years away. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, which is approximately 38,000 times faster than the shuttle. If the space shuttle were to travel at the speed of light for one light-year, it would take the shuttle 100,000 years to reach the nearest galaxy. (I think you'd be dead by then, oh wait, you already are). Compared to when modern humans evolved, which was only 200,000 years ago, it's questionable whether a soul could endure such a journey. Unless, of course, God uses magic again, lol.
Similarly, if God were to create a very long ladder, souls would get tired climbing it. If God has magic, why would He bother making such a long ladder instead of just using the wave of His magical hand?
For those who believe in UFOs, for a spaceship to reach us, it would need to be docked on a mothership first. A mothership the size of a football field would need at least five planes of food, billions of containers of fuel, squadrons of spaceships, and thousands of other cargo. This would be a massive flying machine traveling at the speed of light. However, if it were to travel at the speed of light, this mothership would disintegrate and become a massive ball of energy.
One possibility for transporting these souls to another dimension where heaven is located could be through a Black Hole. However, due to the principles of science and the laws of nature, this is also unlikely to happen.
If Ezekiel's story, where he saw a UFO and it took off in front of him, is true, its sonic boom would destroy his eardrums, and even his DNA would turn to dust.
In this episode, we have proven that heaven is the sky or atmosphere above our heads where birds fly, and it is not outer space, another dimension, or the home of God as stated in the New Testament of the Catholic Bible but absent in the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible. We also showed that the story of God revolves only around the Middle East, proving that the contents of the Bible are merely stories of the Arabs. Lastly, the very long ladder to connect heaven and earth cannot be made by God because the natural laws of Mother Nature do not allow it to happen, even if you say that God is all-powerful.
In the next episode, we will discuss who came first, Mother Nature or God? Can something be created without a creator? Is it possible to create laws without a lawmaker? Can something other than a human create the things we see today?
The phrase "stairway to heaven" appears in the Bible in Genesis 28:12-19, where Jacob has a dream of a ladder that reaches from earth to heaven:
In the dream, Jacob sees angels ascending and descending on the ladder, and God stands above it and identifies himself as the God of Abraham and Isaac. The dream is known as Jacob's Ladder, and its significance has been debated. However, most interpretations agree that it identifies Jacob with the obligations and inheritance of the people chosen by God.
In ancient mythology, portals to heaven were envisioned as stairways, and these portals were considered sacred spaces. Another way to interpret this is to analyse the architect of a temple where hundred of steps are constructed and the king is on the very top of it like a pyramid structure.
According to Genesis, the Babylonians wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty city and a tower “with its top in the heavens.” God disrupted the work by so confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer understand one another.
natural laws came first before spiritual laws.
the eye is not a perfect design but rather the lack of one. Life is chaotic that it gives us order.
The most important issue of the non-existense of god, God's Crux Argument.
the Bible describes a hierarchy of heavenly beings, each with distinct roles and responsibilities. Here are some of the key types of heavenly beings mentioned:
Archangels: These are high-ranking angels. The most well-known archangel is Michael, who is described as a leader in the heavenly army (Jude 1:9, Revelation 12:7).
Seraphim: These beings are described in Isaiah 6:2-3 as having six wings and are often associated with worship and the presence of God.
Cherubim: Mentioned in several places, including Genesis 3:24 and Ezekiel 10, cherubim are often depicted as guardians of sacred spaces.
Guardian Angels: Some passages, like Matthew 18:10, suggest that individuals may have specific angels assigned to watch over them.
Other Heavenly Beings
Living Creatures: Described in Revelation 4:6-8, these beings have multiple faces and wings and are constantly worshiping God.
Elders: Revelation 4:4 mentions twenty-four elders seated around God’s throne, often interpreted as representing the redeemed people of God.
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