
Showing posts from August, 2024

Jesus Christ Behaving Badly: Episode 12

 Episode 12: In our last episode, we proved that the name Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, and because of this, we also discovered that he is not the true Messiah referred to by Abraham, Moses, and David.  If Jesus were the true Messiah back then, he should have been popular and desirable among the people around him. But it seems he was not, he was crucified instead by the people. In this episode, we will reveal the bad behavior of Jesus Christ based on the Bible and the gruesome deaths of his twelve apostles. The Bible is always presented as a sacred book. It contains the beautiful image of God and Jesus. However, there are two sides to the truth behind this book. It also records the evil deeds committed by Jesus and God towards people, animals, and nature." 1. Disrespect towards Parents: In Luke 9:59-60, an apostle asks Jesus for permission to go and bury his deceased father. Jesus responds sternly, saying, “Let the dead bury their own dead; but you go and proclaim the king...

Jesus Christ the Wrong Messiah : Episode 11

Episode 11:   In this episode, we will continue exploring where the concept of the Messiah originated. In the last episode, we proved why Jesus Christ is not in the Bible. First, the term “Jesus Christ” like the term “Emmanuel” is not a name. Second, the term Jesus is not a first name and Christ is not a last name. Third, the term Jesus is not in the Hebrew vocabulary. Fourth, the Hebrew alphabet does not have the letter “J”. Fifth, the name given by God to the child of the Virgin Mary is Emmanuel, not Jesus. In my personal research, I always say that all human-made ideas have their own origins. This is one of my theses. These ideas or concepts can be traced back to the time of their conception or invention. Like the story of Jesus Christ, the concept of his being the Messiah has ancient origins that can be traced back even before Jesus appeared. Most of the stories of the Messiah – if not entirely identical – are very similar to the story of Jesus. From the Mediterranean to neighb...

Jesus Christ is not in the Bible : Episode 10

Episode 10:   In this episode, we’ll discuss whether Jesus Christ is mentioned in the Bible or if another Messiah is truly present. We’ll also explore whether ‘Jesus Christ’ is the name of an individual, whether ‘Jesus’ is a first name, and whether ‘Christ’ is a last name. Many people believe that the name ‘Jesus Christ’ appears in the Bible, but this is not accurate. Firstly, the term ‘Jesus Christ’ is not a name. Secondly, ‘Jesus’ is not a first name, and ‘Christ’ is not a last name for the Messiah. Thirdly, the word ‘Jesus’ does not exist in the Hebrew vocabulary. Fourthly, the Hebrew alphabet lacks the letter ‘J.’ Fifthly, the name given by God the Father to the Messiah is Emmanuel, not Jesus. If these revelations are true, who is the true Christ that Catholics and Christians pray to? In ancient Hebrew culture, forming a name involved adding a descriptor or characteristic to a person’s first name. This descriptor helped distinguish their name from others who shared the same fir...

Contradictions, Mistakes, Inconsistencies in the Bible: Episode 9

Episode 9: In the last episode, we demonstrated that Catholic doctrines diverge significantly from the ideology of Judaism. Here, we see that Judaism is the true religion of God because their doctrine is free from deception, fraud, and falsehood specially about going to heaven. Now, if Judaism is the true religion of God, could Catholicism be the religion of the devil? If the Old Testament was created by God, could the New Testament be the work of Satan? Could the Roman Catholic Church be the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” mentioned in the Bible? Is Jesus possibly the true anti-Christ? Let’s explore!" The Bible claims that God’s word is pure and flawless (Psalm 12:6 and Deuteronomy 4:2). God is believed to be all-knowing, perfect, and infallible. If this is true, then the Bible should indeed be flawless, without any errors. However, if the Bible contains mistakes, contradictions, discrepancies, falsehoods, or changes, even a single error, it implies that the God who authored the holy ...