Contradictions, Mistakes, Inconsistencies in the Bible: Episode 9
In the last episode, we demonstrated that Catholic doctrines diverge significantly from the ideology of Judaism. Here, we see that Judaism is the true religion of God because their doctrine is free from deception, fraud, and falsehood specially about going to heaven.
Now, if Judaism is the true religion of God, could Catholicism be the religion of the devil? If the Old Testament was created by God, could the New Testament be the work of Satan? Could the Roman Catholic Church be the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” mentioned in the Bible? Is Jesus possibly the true anti-Christ? Let’s explore!"
The Bible claims that God’s word is pure and flawless (Psalm 12:6 and Deuteronomy 4:2). God is believed to be all-knowing, perfect, and infallible. If this is true, then the Bible should indeed be flawless, without any errors.
However, if the Bible contains mistakes, contradictions, discrepancies, falsehoods, or changes, even a single error, it implies that the God who authored the holy book may not be perfect or all-knowing afterall.
Let us examine some errors in the bible:
1. Rusting Gold and Silver: James 5:3 suggests that gold and silver can rust.
2. Leviticus prohibits eating certain animals like pigs, shrimp, and potatoes (which are commonly consumed today as hamburgers, sushi, and French fries).
3. Leviticus 11 claims that insects have only four legs.
4. Exodus 20 acknowledges the existence of other gods.
5. The Bible mentions creatures like tikbalang, aswang, kapre, talking snakes, sirens, unicorns, dragons, and demigods.
6. The Bible claims that the sun moves above the Earth rather than the Earth revolving around the sun.
Despite God’s supposed perfection and knowledge, the Bible describes a massive flood where God wiped out humans, animals, and plants worldwide.
This raises questions about divine justice and the purpose behind such an event.
According to the Bible, God instructed Noah to build an ark with specific dimensions: 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet tall. The ark had three decks, totaling 101,250 square feet (smaller than the Titanic and slightly larger than the Queen Mary).
Inside this ark, Noah was to bring pairs of every kind of animal from around the world, including dinosaurs. The floodwaters were said to last approximately 370 days, nearly a year.
Now, the challenge lies in how Noah could feed the millions of animals on the ark. Where did he get enough food and water to sustain them for a year? Additionally, how did animals from distant parts of the world find their way to the ark?
The story describes the ark as having only one window—a small window measuring eighteen inches. The ark was completely sealed against wind and water, following God’s instructions. However, even if this small window were open, it wouldn’t provide sufficient ventilation for the thousands of animals living in the cramped space inside. Within a few hours, many of them would perish.
As for the various insects and other small creatures like mosquitoes, moths, mice, lizards, octopuses, bees, dragonflies, flies, and butterflies, they have relatively short lifespans—ranging from a day to a month. So, their survival during the flood would be too short. How come we still have these creatures today?
Moreover, the Bible also testifies that the world has edges and four corners. The world is said to be resting on a foundation so that it does not move. And the sky and earth are flat.” (Job 38:13, Psalm 104:5, Job 9:6, Isaiah 40:28).
With all of these evidence of errors in the Bible, they only serve to demonstrate that God is not perfect. If this God is imperfect, it means that the Christian God is not the true God.
From episode one up to this episode, we have shown that God is not real because of the following concrete evidence:
- The history of the Bible and its contents.
- The history of churches and their founders.
- The Catholic doctrine versus Judaism.
- The inconsistencies, mistakes and falsehoods in the Bible.
In the next episode, we’ll discuss whether Jesus Christ is truly mentioned in the bible. Stay tuned!
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