Jesus Christ Behaving Badly: Episode 12
Episode 12:
In our last episode, we proved that the name Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, and because of this, we also discovered that he is not the true Messiah referred to by Abraham, Moses, and David.
If Jesus were the true Messiah back then, he should have been popular and desirable among the people around him. But it seems he was not, he was crucified instead by the people.
In this episode, we will reveal the bad behavior of Jesus Christ based on the Bible and the gruesome deaths of his twelve apostles.
The Bible is always presented as a sacred book. It contains the beautiful image of God and Jesus. However, there are two sides to the truth behind this book. It also records the evil deeds committed by Jesus and God towards people, animals, and nature."
1. Disrespect towards Parents:
In Luke 9:59-60, an apostle asks Jesus for permission to go and bury his deceased father. Jesus responds sternly, saying, “Let the dead bury their own dead; but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God”
In John 2:1-5, during a wedding in Cana, Jesus’ mother informs Him that they have run out of wine. Jesus replies, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come”
In Luke 2:48-49, when Jesus was twelve years old, His parents found Him in the temple. His mother questions Him, and Jesus responds, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be in My Father’s house?”
2.Apostles’ Deaths:
It’s true that Jesus allowed the gruesome deaths of His twelve apostles. However, this is a complex topic, and interpretations vary. Some believe it was part of God’s plan, while others see it as a testament to their faith and sacrifice.
"If Jesus Christ is a pure and kind person, why would He insult His parents and other people without reason? If He is powerful and compassionate, why did He allow His disciples to die in gruesome ways?
In summary of our discussions from the first episode until now, we have demonstrated that God is not real based on the following evidence:
- The compilation of the Bible and its contents, as seen in episode #4.
- The true church of God and its founders, discussed in episode #5.
- The Catholic doctrine versus Judaism, explored in episodes #6, #7, and #8.
- Errors, additions, and falsehoods in the Bible, highlighted in episode #9.
- The name Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, explained in episode #10.
- Jesus is not the true Messiah, as discussed in episode 11.
- Jesus’ inappropriate behavior can be seen in episode #12.
In the next episode, we will delve into the negative attributes of God, explore who caused more deaths—God or Satan—and discuss the concept of God’s creation."

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