Jesus Christ the Wrong Messiah : Episode 11
In this episode, we will continue exploring where the concept of the Messiah originated.
In the last episode, we proved why Jesus Christ is not in the Bible. First, the term “Jesus Christ” like the term “Emmanuel” is not a name. Second, the term Jesus is not a first name and Christ is not a last name. Third, the term Jesus is not in the Hebrew vocabulary. Fourth, the Hebrew alphabet does not have the letter “J”. Fifth, the name given by God to the child of the Virgin Mary is Emmanuel, not Jesus.
In my personal research, I always say that all human-made ideas have their own origins. This is one of my theses. These ideas or concepts can be traced back to the time of their conception or invention.
Like the story of Jesus Christ, the concept of his being the Messiah has ancient origins that can be traced back even before Jesus appeared. Most of the stories of the Messiah – if not entirely identical – are very similar to the story of Jesus.
From the Mediterranean to neighboring countries, there are other messiahs or savior-gods recognized, such as Apollo or Dionysus among the Greeks, Hercules among the Romans, Mithra among the Persians, Adonis and Attis in Syria and Phrygia, Osiris, Isis, and Horus in Egypt, Baal and Astarte among the Babylonians and Carthaginians, and many others.
Here are some similarities between Jesus and the mentioned messiahs:
- They were born on Christmas or near it.
- They were born of a Virgin Mother.
- They were born in a cave or a manger.
- They lived to save Humanity.
- They were called Bearers of Light, Healers, Saviors, and Redeemers of the world.
- They were defeated by the Powers of Darkness and descended to Hell or the underworld.
- They rose again from the dead and became saviors of humanity.
- They are commemorated in Eucharistic masses.
Like the messiah:
Osiris: He was born on December 27. He was betrayed by Typhon, the power of darkness, and killed. His body was placed in a box, and he was resurrected. Every year, his suffering, death, and resurrection are commemorated.
Mithra: Born on December 25 in a cave. He was born of a Virgin Mother. He had twelve companions or disciples. He was buried, resurrected, and his resurrection is celebrated annually.
Adonis or Tammuz: Born of a Virgin Mother. He was killed and resurrected.
Attis: Born of a Virgin Mother – Nana. He died and was resurrected. His worship became widespread and highly esteemed, eventually being incorporated into the established religion in Rome.
Hercules or Heracles: Like other gods, he was recognized as a Savior. He fought against death and ascended to Heaven.
Krishna, the god of India, was also born of a Virgin Mother (Devaki) in a cave, and his birth was announced by a Star. He descended to Hell; and rose again from the dead, ascended to heaven. He will return on the last day to judge the living and the dead.
Remember, Jesus Christ is not the only Messiah:
Aside from the aforementioned messiahs, here are the other historical figures who claimed to be the son of God or the messiah:
- Gautama Buddha - 565 BC
- Guan Yu - 210 BC
- Simon of Peraea - 4 BC
- Jesus of Nazareth - 1 BC
- Dositheos the Samaritan - 1 AD
- Simon Magus - 2 AD
- Athronges - 3 AD
- Menahem the Essene - 60 AD
- Vespasian - 65 AD
- Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah - 570 AD
If Jesus is truly the son of God or God himself, it is clear that the people around him during those days, especially the influential religious sects at that time, such as the Romans, the Jews, the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes, would be the first to prove that Jesus is indeed the son of God. However, because he was seen as a rebel and not a holy figure by the people back then, he was then crucified instead.
With this evidence, it only proves that Jesus Christ is not the messiah that Abraham, Moses, and David speak of.
In summary of our discussions, from the first episode, we have proven that God is not real due to the following evidence:
- The history of the Bible and its contents, which can be seen in episode #4
- The history of the churches and their founders, which can be seen in episode #5
- The Catholic doctrine against its Judaism, which can be seen in episodes #6, 7, 8
- The errors, additions, and lies in the Bible, which can be seen in episode #9
- The term Jesus Christ is not in the Bible, the explanation is in episode #10
- Jesus is not the first messiah, the explanation is in episode 11
In the next episode, we will discuss the rudeness of Jesus Christ towards his parents and the people who asked for his help.

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