
Showing posts from November, 2024

Bathala Ontological Argument

  English Translation: In this episode, we delve into the Argument of Being by exploring profound questions: Do entities such as humans and God truly exist? Is our reality genuine, or is it merely an illusion? Is life real, or is it all nothing but mechanical reality? We will approach these questions not through physical evidence, as discussed in previous episodes, but through logical reasoning and rational thought. First, let's define the term "ontological." It originates from the Greek words "ontos" (ὤντος), meaning "being" or "that which exists," and "logos" (λόγος), meaning "study" or "science." Ontology, a branch of metaphysics, investigates beliefs that lack a basis in reality, examining concepts such as existence, being, and reality. Consider the hypothetical: if a perfect God exists in the mind, should it also exist in reality?  Take the example of a tree. If we can imagine a tree, we should be able to se...

Bathala Teleological Argument

English Translation: In this episode, we're diving into the Design or Fine-Tuning Argument. It basically claims that the intricate design and order we see in nature, the universe, and the world imply there's an intelligent creator behind it all—often identified as God. The teleological argument presented as a syllogism (logical argument): 1. Premise 1: If the universe exhibits complex and purposeful design, then it must have an intelligent designer. 2. Premise 2: The universe exhibits complex and purposeful design. 3. Conclusion: Therefore, the universe must have an intelligent designer. This form of reasoning follows the structure of modus ponens : If P, then Q. P is true. Therefore, Q is true. The idea is also known as the Teleological Argument. It suggests that the universe's perfect order, complex structures, and life-supporting conditions point to an intelligent divine designer. For instance, the human eye's intricate design, the precise rotation of planets, and...

Bathala Cosmological Argument

English Translation: For centuries, many wise individuals have developed arguments regarding the existence of God. The initial question often posed is, "If there is no God, how was everything created—like the earth, the sun, and the entire universe? How were animals, plants, and humans brought into existence? How could all this have come about without an intelligent creator?" This is known as the Argument of a Creator, or the Cosmological Argument. The cosmological argument is a classic philosophical stance aimed at proving the existence of God. It asserts that everything in the universe must have a cause, and this cause is believed to be God. Notable figures who have supported the idea of God's existence include Aristotle and Aquinas. Among the renowned critics are Epicurus, Hume, and Russell. I would also mention Atheista ng Pilipinas as one of these critics, as I have conducted original studies countering the existence of God. These are not mere conjectures or ideas dr...

Bible Proves God Doesn't Exist

English Translation: When I was developing my research on where human ideas and information came from, one of the big questions I tackled was about the root or original idea of God's existence. Interestingly, the only physical source I could find on God's existence was the Bible, so I used this book to investigate whether God truly exists or not. Here, I divided my research into four sections, each focusing on the four personalities of religion: Christ, the Bible, the Church, and God. The research was guided by a bunch of questions such as: How do we know if the Bible is from God or the devil? If God is perfect, are there errors in the Bible? Who is Christ, where did he come from, and  what does he look like? What did the earliest churches worship? How was the concept of God formed; Who started it? If no one has seen God or Christ, whose pictures are on the altar that people pray to? If God is holy, good, perfect, wise, and powerful, why did he still need to create the devil? A...