Bathala Ontological Argument


English Translation:

In this episode, we delve into the Argument of Being by exploring profound questions: Do entities such as humans and God truly exist? Is our reality genuine, or is it merely an illusion? Is life real, or is it all nothing but mechanical reality?

We will approach these questions not through physical evidence, as discussed in previous episodes, but through logical reasoning and rational thought.

First, let's define the term "ontological." It originates from the Greek words "ontos" (ὤντος), meaning "being" or "that which exists," and "logos" (λόγος), meaning "study" or "science." Ontology, a branch of metaphysics, investigates beliefs that lack a basis in reality, examining concepts such as existence, being, and reality.

Consider the hypothetical: if a perfect God exists in the mind, should it also exist in reality? 

Take the example of a tree. If we can imagine a tree, we should be able to see it in our physical environment, outside our minds. Since physical trees exist around us, it validates that the tree is real and has a tangible reality. Consequently, the idea of a tree is true because a physical tree can be perceived and touched. This exemplifies logical reasoning.

In addition to logical reasoning, our biological sensors—eyes, nose, tongue, skin, ears, tendons, and muscles—can also verify the presence of a real physical tree.

Interestingly, before we can conceive an idea in our mind, something must first exist in nature. For instance, we can think of a tree because there is already a tree in nature. This suggests that the physical tree precedes the abstract idea of a tree in our minds.

The word "apple" serves as another example. We can conceptualize the word "apple" because a physical apple exists around us, leading to the creation of the word. This demonstrates that before an idea is formed, a corresponding physical object exists in the real world.

This principle explains why inventions often mimic natural phenomena. Airplanes were invented by observing how birds fly. Submarines or boats were modeled after how fish, geese, or ducks swim or float. Houses were designed based on the natural shelters of land animals, such as caves. Thus, we derived ideas from our physical environment before forming abstract concepts.

This process, referred to as the "Dilemma of Ideas," is an original Filipino concept. It describes the translation of abstract ideas from physical reality, arguing that abstract human concepts cannot become physical objects without materials from the physical environment. This means that an idea cannot become real without its material counterpart in the physical world.

Consider the letters A, B, K, D. These abstract concepts do not exist in nature. They are purely ideas that cannot be found in the natural environment, such as trees, plants, animals, the sea, clouds, and humans. Before humans existed, these letters did not exist yet at all.

When "AH" is represented by the symbol "A," "Bah" with "B," "Kah" with "K," and "Dah" with "D," these letters become real through a process called Association. They transform from abstract concepts into physical symbols representing the words ABKD. Through symbolic representation, these letters now exist outside the mind because of representation, definition, and association.

However, does this mean that these letters are now physical objects? If we write ABKD on paper, does that make them physically real? Can we consider the written letters as proof of their existence? How do we prove the evidence on paper that these letters are real, true, or possess their own reality? If they remain abstract, does it imply that all human-made ideas or concepts are merely assumptions, guesses, or speculations? If the concept of God lacks physical reality, does it mean God is not real?

To examine if everything we see is real or an illusion, let's consider a tree closely. When we look at a tree, we perceive it as real. But upon closer examination, we realize that the tree is actually not real but an illusion. How so?

A tree is composed of leaves, branches, wood, bark, and roots—components forming the tree's shape, as observed by the Dual Theory of Everything. Upon closer examination with a microscope, these parts are nothing but merely made up of shapes and spaces. Thus, the entire tree comprises spaces and shapes, lacking physical substance. The tree is merely an illusion perceived as real.

This is because Nature has convinced our minds that everything we see or feel is real, such as the sounds our ears hear, the smells our noses inhale, the sunset our eyes see, the cold our skin feels, the sweetness our tongue tastes, the love or emotion from our hearts, and the various ideas we have thought, are nothing but sensations, false perceptions, or impressions created by our minds. These are all illusions created by physical, mechanical, and chemical reactions within our bodies. Thus, our reality is merely an illusion.

A philosopher once said, if humans are made of atoms, and atoms are not alive, it means humans are not alive either.

In this episode, Atheista ng Pilipinas who developed this Argument of Being argued that God is not necessary for the creation and design of everything, based on principles from the Genie Effect, the Bahay Kubo Creation Analogy, the Holen Model, the Bathala Cosmological Argument, and the Dual Theory of Everything. We have also argued that if God created everything, His creations are merely illusions. Thus, our reality is nothing but an illusion.

In the next episode, we will explore the argument of morality, examining whether God is essential for a person to possess morality. Do humans need God to be good?

About Atheista ng Pilipinas:

The name “Atheista ng Pilipinas:” is a symbolic pseudonym or pen name of the author. The author is a teacher, an engineer, and a writer. He is one of the authors of physics books used by students in the Philippines. He formally founded “The Voice of Philippine Atheism” in 2000. Additionally, he has written several books in philosophy, religion, technology, and science, which can be found on Amazon.

Disclaimer: The articles on “Atheista ng Pilipinas” are intended for balanced education. Since this site is continually edited, updated, and improved, I recommend you to check back frequently for new content. 

If you wish to use any material here for the purpose of scholarly discussion, scientific research, thesis, journals, books, please inform the author by email or cite as follows: 
* In-text citation: (Atheista ng Pilipinas, 1975)
* Reference List: Atheista (1975). Bibliya: Ebidensya Laban Sa Diyos. Philippines.
* Website: Atheista (2000). Bakit Walang Diyos.

Tags: The Voice of Philippine Atheism, atheist, Pinoy atheist, atheism, Pinoy atheismo, Philippine Atheism, Filipino Atheists, Atheists of the Philippines, Atheista ng Pilipinas

The Voice of Philippine Atheism.

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