Bathala Dilemma

In one episode, the ontological argument, we attempt to show that the concept of God in our minds itself implies that God exists. And if it exists in our minds, it means it exists in reality. But here, we counter this because information comes from Mother Nature before it enters our minds, according to the results of our study.

But let's say this God is real and is a perfect being, and according to the Omni Argument, it has five main attributes that indicate it is a perfect being. These attributes are as follows:

  • **Omniscient (all-knowing)**: God has total knowledge of all things—past, present, and future. Even before anything happens, God already knows everything.
  • **Omnipotent (all-powerful)**: God is all-powerful. This means there is nothing that God cannot do.
  • **Omnipresent (everywhere)**: God is present everywhere at all times. God sees everything because He is in all places simultaneously.
  • **Omnibenevolent (all-good/loving)**: God is completely good and loving. God is entirely kind and loving to all His creations.
  • **Omniperfect (all-perfect)**: God has perfect knowledge, power, kindness, and love. He is a perfect being. Because of this, no other being has these attributes but God. Hence, it is said that God exists.

The Greek equivalents for the four attributes are:

  • Omniscience: "Παντογνωσία" (Pantognosia)
  • Omnipotence: "Παντοδυναμία" (Pantodynamia)
  • Omnipresence: "Πανταχού παρουσία" (Pantachou Parousia)
  • Omnibenevolence: "Παντοαγαθότητα" (Pantoagathotita)

Now, the Dilemma of God or  (an axiological argument) that we developed is an argument that contradicts the omni-argument or the five attributes of God according to necessity.

In the classical counter-argument, two things are always used as counter-arguments:

1. If God knows everything, can He make a square circle or make 10 - 7 = 17 and not 3? However, since a square circle cannot exist or 10-7=17, whether in thought or reality, this means God is not all-knowing.

2. If God is all-powerful, can He create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift it? If He can, it means He is not all-powerful because He cannot lift the rock. If He cannot, then He is not all-powerful because He cannot create such a rock.

3. Now, if God is good, kind, and loving, everyone should be happy, everyone should have an abundant life, and no one should suffer. If God's purpose in creating us is to worship Him, why didn't He make humans always happy? Instead, He created many people who suffer, children who have nothing to eat, and people who are innocent victims of war and calamities. Why does He allow some children to have disabilities and incurable diseases? Why does He allow others to have severe illnesses like cancer, leukemia, and other diseases like COVID? Why are there disasters, wars, and cruelties caused by humans?

4. If God is everywhere at all times, why does He allow women to be raped? Why does He watch these things happen instead of stopping these heinous acts? Why does He allow minors to be molested by priests in His church, believed to be God's house? Why does He allow soldiers to kill each other in war and kill innocent children, elderly people, women, and other innocent people? Why can't He stop these if He is everywhere and all-powerful?

5. If evil exists in the world, it means this God has no desire to stop it, cannot stop it, or does not know how to stop it.

6. If He knows everything from the past, present, and future, why has He killed people many times only to create new ones again? If He knows everything, it means He knows who will go to heaven and who will go to hell. If He knows who will kill someone, who will commit atrocities, or what Hitler will do to humanity, why did He create them? I cannot believe that killings, diseases, and calamities are connected to His promised salvation.

7. If He is a moral God, can He do immoral things? If He cannot be evil, it means He is not all-powerful.

8. If God created the natural laws, can He break them? If He can, it means the natural laws He created are not perfect. And because they are not perfect, it means He is not perfect either. Now, if He cannot, it means He is not all-powerful.

9. If humans are God's most perfect creation, made in His image or likeness, why are humans not perfect and need to suffer just to worship Him?

10. If God created everything, He also created evil. He created evil to give humans the power to choose right or wrong. He also created it to know who truly believes in Him and who does not. Because of this action, it means God is not perfect and all-powerful, because He still needs something in His life.

11. If God is all-powerful, perfect, and has everything, why did He need to create humans and the world? Because of this, it shows He is still missing something in His life, so He created humans.

12. If God is perfect, knows everything, and is everywhere, it means praying is pointless. Because if He knows everything, even before you pray, He already knows what your prayer contains. He already knows what your life will be like, when you will die, and whether you will go to heaven or hell. If He does not know these things, then He does not know everything.

13. If God knows everything, it means He knew Adam would sin because of Eve. If He did not know this, He is not perfect. If He knew, He should not have created them because He knew it was wrong. If He did, it means He still needs something in His life. Because He still needs something in His life, it means He is not all-powerful.

14. If God knew everything from the beginning and is perfect, the first race He created from Adam and Eve should have been perfect. Because it was not perfect, He killed all the people He created. The race that came from Noah was also sinful. Because of this, He sent His son Jesus to be killed for the sins He created.

15. If God needs nothing in His life, why did He need to create humans? Why did He need to create evil and good? Why did He need to become human and God? Why did He need to create the Bible? Why did he need us to worship Him?

Pantheon of Bathala:

The pantheon of Bathala, the supreme deity in Filipino mythology, includes several important gods and goddesses who play various roles in the cosmos. Here are some of the key figures:

  1. Amanikable: The god of the sea and the protector of seafarers and fishermen.
  2. Idiyanale: The goddess of labor and good deeds.
  3. Lakampati: The androgynous deity of fertility and agriculture, often invoked for good harvests.
  4. Mayari: The goddess of the moon, associated with war and strength.
  5. Tala: The goddess of the stars, guiding and illuminating the night.
  6. Apong Sinukuan: The god of war and death, also linked with the sun.
  7. Anagolay: The goddess of lost things and the wife of Dumakulem.
  8. Dumakulem: The god of mountains and the protector of the forests.
  9. Sitan: The god of the underworld and the guardian of souls.
  10. Lakapati: The deity of fertility and cultivated fields.

If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able, then he is not omnipotent.

If he is able, but not willing, then he is malevolent.

If he is both able and willing, then whence cometh evil?

If he is neither able nor willing, then why call him God?


Always cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources. This helps ensure accuracy and provides a more comprehensive understanding about the topics here. Apply critical thinking to evaluate the information you have here and you gathered.  Use reputable fact-checking websites and tools to verify claims and data as well.

About Atheista ng Pilipinas:

The name “Atheista ng Pilipinas:” is a symbolic pseudonym or pen name of the author. The author is a teacher, an engineer, and a writer. He is one of the authors of physics books used by students in the Philippines. He formally founded “The Voice of Philippine Atheism” in 2000. Additionally, he has written several books in philosophy, religion, technology, and science, which can be found on Amazon.

Disclaimer: The articles on “Atheista ng Pilipinas” are intended for balanced education. Since this site is continually edited, updated, and improved, I recommend you to check back frequently for new content. 

If you wish to use any material here for the purpose of scholarly discussion, scientific research, thesis, journals, books, please inform the author by email or cite as follows: 
* In-text citation: (Atheista ng Pilipinas, 1975)
* Reference List: Atheista (1975). Bibliya: Ebidensya Laban Sa Diyos. Philippines.
* Website: Atheista (2000). Bakit Walang Diyos.

Tags: The Voice of Philippine Atheism, atheist, Pinoy atheist, atheism, Pinoy atheismo, Philippine Atheism, Filipino Atheists, Atheists of the Philippines, Atheista ng Pilipinas

The Voice of Philippine Atheism.

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