
Showing posts from January, 2025

Mythological Argument

The Mythological Argument , or Argument of Folklore, or the Comics Manifestation refers to a type of reasoning that suggests that if the Bible has elements of mythology, legend, folklores, or traditional stories, can we consider this book as the work of God or just a fictional tale made by humans? In the history of literature, we know that books with mystical elements or mythical creatures like tikbalang (centaur), dwarves, monsters, witches, kapre (tree demon), talking animals, mermaids, unicorns, dragons, fairies, ghosts, and gods and goddesses, are typically classified as fictional books. The argument is presented as follows: 1. If a book contains mystical elements or mythical creatures such as tikbalang(centaur), dwarves, monsters, witches, kapre (tree demon), talking animals, mermaids, unicorns, dragons, fairies, ghosts, and gods. 2. In the history of literature, we know that such a book belongs to the fictional genre. 3. Therefore, this evidence proves that the Bible is a work of...

Atheological Argument

In this episode, we will delve deep into the Argument of Atheism, also known as the Atheological Argument. This argument challenges the belief about the existence of god due to the presence of diverse religious beliefs worldwide, including people, religions, churches, and countries that do not subscribe to the notion of a god. The Argument of Atheism can be summarized as follows: If atheism exists in the world, since there are various cultures worship different gods. Then, this means that atheism is a good evidence that contradicts the existence of god  Thus, this evidence suggests that the god of the Bible is not the only god in the world.  Meanwhile, an atheist is someone who does not believe in gods or divine beings. The term originates from the Greek words "ἄ" (a-, meaning "without") and "θεός" (theos, meaning "god"), translating to "without god" or "without belief in god." Atheists can be categorized into two groups: Stro...

Bathala Dilemma

In one episode, the ontological argument, we attempt to show that the concept of God in our minds itself implies that God exists. And if it exists in our minds, it means it exists in reality. But here, we counter this because information comes from Mother Nature before it enters our minds, according to the results of our study. But let's say this God is real and is a perfect being, and according to the Omni Argument, it has five main attributes that indicate it is a perfect being. These attributes are as follows: **Omniscient (all-knowing)**: God has total knowledge of all things—past, present, and future. Even before anything happens, God already knows everything. **Omnipotent (all-powerful)**: God is all-powerful. This means there is nothing that God cannot do. **Omnipresent (everywhere)**: God is present everywhere at all times. God sees everything because He is in all places simultaneously. **Omnibenevolent (all-good/loving)**: God is completely good and loving. God is entirely...