Mythological Argument
The Mythological Argument , or Argument of Folklore, or the Comics Manifestation refers to a type of reasoning that suggests that if the Bible has elements of mythology, legend, folklores, or traditional stories, can we consider this book as the work of God or just a fictional tale made by humans? In the history of literature, we know that books with mystical elements or mythical creatures like tikbalang (centaur), dwarves, monsters, witches, kapre (tree demon), talking animals, mermaids, unicorns, dragons, fairies, ghosts, and gods and goddesses, are typically classified as fictional books. The argument is presented as follows: 1. If a book contains mystical elements or mythical creatures such as tikbalang(centaur), dwarves, monsters, witches, kapre (tree demon), talking animals, mermaids, unicorns, dragons, fairies, ghosts, and gods. 2. In the history of literature, we know that such a book belongs to the fictional genre. 3. Therefore, this evidence proves that the Bible is a work of...