
Showing posts from October, 2024

Roman Catholic vs Greek Orthodox

After 380 AD, when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius, the Catholic Church has faced several schisms and heretical movements throughout its history. These movements often arose in response to perceived corruption or doctrinal issues within the Church and led to significant theological debates and, at times, conflict. These are a few notable ones: A. Schisms The Great Schism (1054): This was the split between the Western Church (which became the Roman Catholic Church) and the Eastern Church (which evolved into the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church), primarily over issues of authority and theological differences. Historically, there were five major centers of faith: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. When the schism occurred, the Western Church (Rome) and the Eastern Church (Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem) split. These four Eastern patriarchates aligning with one another became the Eastern Orthodox C...

The New Testament Hypothesis

The Fabrication Hypothesis: Analyzing Claims of Roman Influence on the New Testament: Before the establishment of the Catholic Church as a dominant force during Constantine's reign, there were several early Christian communities and churches. These communities were spread across different regions and often faced persecution. Here are some notable ones: 1. Jerusalem Church (c. 30 AD): Founded shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus, initialy led by James, the brother of Jesus. 2. Antioch Church (c. 40s AD): One of the earliest Christian communities outside Jerusalem (Turkey), where followers were first called "Christians". 3. Alexandria Church (c. 42 AD): Established in Egypt, it became a major center for Christian thought and theology. 4. Churches in Asia Minor (1st century AD): Cities like Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum had established Christian communities. 5. Churches in Rome (1st century AD): Before Constantine, the Christian community in Rome was a loose net...

The Great Apostasy

The Great Apostasy is often associated with the belief that mainstream churches have deviated from the original teachings of the bible from the time Jesus was crucified and the last apostle John died. The term "Great Apostasy" is derived from passages in the New Testament, in particular 2 Thessalonians 2:3, where the Apostle Paul speaks of a rebellion or a widespread departure from true Christian faith and practice that must occur before the return of Christ. Historically, the Great Apostasy is seen as a period when the early church's doctrines were altered, incorporating elements from Greco-Roman culture and pagan traditions This concept is used to explain the formation of various christian groups and the perceived need for a return to the original teachings of Christ. Some Christian groups, like the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and Jehovah's Witnesses, believe that traditional Catholics fell into apostasy and that their movements represent a restoration of the origin...

Catholics Pagan Rituals

Some Catholic traditions that evolved from pagan cult practices: Mitraism & Catholicism Christmas: Celebrated on December 25th, which coincides with the Roman pagan festival of Saturnalia and the birthday of the Sun God, Sol Invictus. Early Christians chose this date to make it easier for pagans to convert to Christianity. Traditions like decorating evergreen trees, exchanging gifts, and lighting candles have pagan origins. Easter: The name "Easter" itself is believed to come from Eostre, a pagan goddess of spring and fertility. The timing of Easter aligns with pagan spring festivals celebrating renewal and rebirth. Symbols like eggs and bunnies also have roots in these pagan traditions. All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day: These are celebrated on November 1st and 2nd and align with the pagan festival of Samhain. This festival marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter and was believed to be a time when the boundary between the living and the ...

Jesus Christ Is Not The Son Of God

Episode #22 In the earlier episodes, we proved that the Bible originated from Judaism, was added to by Catholics, and copied by Islam. These three religious groups are the first true religions that worship the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Moses.  Thus, If your religion is not one of these three, there is a high possibility that your religion is fake, your church is fake, and the god you worship is fake. And, if your church is not on the list found in episode #5, it is most likely that not only is your church fake, but you were also scammed by your pastor.  Remember that Christians and Catholics are two different species. Thus, all Christians who are not Catholics are likely to be cursed by God. That's why, if you believe in God, make sure that one of these three religions is the one you worship, otherwise, there is a high possibility that you will go to hell. Think about it! In this episode, we will discuss whether Jesus Christ is really the son of God.  We said that the Ca...

Four Marks of the True Church

In the previous episodes, we have proven that since Christ and his apostles died, the Bible used today is no longer pure and truly the work of God. Because the Bible used by churches today is no longer the original work of God, all who use it will be severely cursed by God according to Galatians 1:8-9: "The people or church that preach to you any gospel other than what we preached (meaning the Catholic Church), will be cursed by God for life." In this episode, we will discuss the story of the Catholic Church, whether Peter was the first pope, and the Four Marks of the True Church of God based on the Bible (Matthew 16:18), (Acts 2), and (Colossians 1:18). The Catholic Church originated from the Roman Empire under Constantine, who was influenced by a pagan religion called Mithraism. If it weren't for Constantine, Mithraism might have been the religion of those who believe in God today. The Roman Empire was the most powerful civilization at that time. Because there was no le...

UFO and Heaven

In the Bible, three distinct heavens are mentioned. The Earth’s Atmosphere: This is the first heaven, closest to us. It refers to the earth’s atmosphere where clouds form and rain falls. Scripture provides examples of this heaven, such as when Elijah prayed for rain during a famine. Outer Space: The second heaven encompasses outer space, where the stars, planets, and celestial bodies exist. It’s the realm beyond our atmosphere. References include verses about cosmic events, like stars falling from heaven. God’s Throne: The third heaven is where God resides. It’s often called “paradise” in Scripture. The apostle Paul referred to it as the “third heaven” and described being caught up there in a vision. Our rewards, inheritance, and names are stored in this heavenly realm. And here are the relevant Bible verses that mention the three heavens: 1. The First Heaven (Earth's Atmosphere):    - Genesis 1:1 speaks of God creating "the heavens" (plural). The first heaven refers to t...

Souls don't Exist

In the previous episodes, we have proven that God has no gender. God has no form. God has no face. God has no physical body. This means that God is invisible. Because of these incredible characteristics of God, I was just wondering, why the devout believers of God have pictures of God on their altars where they usually say their prayers. Who is this person depicted in the pictures on their altars and churches? In this episode, we will discuss why there is no soul. Why the word “soul” has a wrong translation in the language of the Philippines. And what is the true word and meaning of the word “soul” in Hebrew and its true meaning. We said that God has no form. He is invisible. The only way God makes himself visible is by appearing as fire, cloud, and sometimes in the shape of a human. These manifestations are often accompanied by sounds like thunder or his voice. Is this really a rational god! Are you shaking your head now at the strange behavior of your God? (Ezekiel, Genesis, theophan...