Roman Catholic vs Greek Orthodox
After 380 AD, when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius, the Catholic Church has faced several schisms and heretical movements throughout its history. These movements often arose in response to perceived corruption or doctrinal issues within the Church and led to significant theological debates and, at times, conflict. These are a few notable ones: A. Schisms The Great Schism (1054): This was the split between the Western Church (which became the Roman Catholic Church) and the Eastern Church (which evolved into the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church), primarily over issues of authority and theological differences. Historically, there were five major centers of faith: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. When the schism occurred, the Western Church (Rome) and the Eastern Church (Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem) split. These four Eastern patriarchates aligning with one another became the Eastern Orthodox C...