Souls don't Exist

In the previous episodes, we have proven that God has no gender. God has no form. God has no face. God has no physical body. This means that God is invisible. Because of these incredible characteristics of God, I was just wondering, why the devout believers of God have pictures of God on their altars where they usually say their prayers. Who is this person depicted in the pictures on their altars and churches?

In this episode, we will discuss why there is no soul. Why the word “soul” has a wrong translation in the language of the Philippines. And what is the true word and meaning of the word “soul” in Hebrew and its true meaning.

We said that God has no form. He is invisible. The only way God makes himself visible is by appearing as fire, cloud, and sometimes in the shape of a human. These manifestations are often accompanied by sounds like thunder or his voice. Is this really a rational god! Are you shaking your head now at the strange behavior of your God? (Ezekiel, Genesis, theophany).

Now, if God is invisible, is he a soul, spirit, or nothing?

The fanatics devotees of God believe that when they die, their soul will go to heaven if they don't sins or to hell if they have sinned.

But the question is, is there really a soul ?

First, the body and soul of a person both die when a person dies because the brain, where all information is stored from birth to old age, also dies. The belief that the soul has its own brain, emotions, and will is unlikely to be true unless it has its own skull, heart, and body.

In my personal experiences with astral projection and studying autoscopy, I have proven that a person has no soul. Initially, I thought there was a soul because I personally saw it many times separating from my body, floating in the air, and looking at my physical body while sleeping on the bed.

However, over time, through experiments with my brother and father, we realized that the soul is just an illusion of the mind caused by brain activities, abnormal body conditions, and a change in the environment.

This conclusion is also supported by the science of the mind or neuroscience, which has proven that the processes of thought, emotion, and consciousness are products of brain activities. Without the brain, these manifestations will not happen.

In the science of cybernetics, this is an issue called the “mind and body” argument, which investigates how an immaterial thing like the soul can interact with a material thing like the body. This is similar to the issue if oil and water will combine as one element.

According to the Crux of God Argument, if the soul has the ability to separate from the physical body and can float anywhere, it means it is not affected by gravity. If it is not affected by gravity, it means it has no mass or weight. If it has no weight, it means it cannot have motion. If it has no motion, it has no capability to separate from its body.

Therefore, for these reasons, when a person dies, their body will just die but their soul will remain in the place where they died.

Now, because the world revolves around the sun, the said soul will be left in its original place floating in space while the world moves away from the position where the person died.

Additionally, my experience with astral projection where my feet were the first to separate from the body and my head was the last, is a result that contradicts studies on out-of-body experiences where the head is the first to separate and the feet are the last.

If the soul is a life force (Genesis 2:7) that gives life to the physical body, what gives life to the soul, if there is indeed a soul?

If God has power over everything including to his soul, why does he need a soul in the first place? Isn’t it enough for his own body to be his entirety?

Is it because he gave humans a soul that he must also have a soul?

But according to the Bible, there is no such thing as soul.

The word “soul” in the Bible is the Hebrew word “nephesh,” which means the entirety of a person or the life-giving force (Gen 2:7) and not the soul, the incorrect Tagalog translation associated with the word “soul” by Filipinos. LOL.

We have proven that the word “soul” is not in the Bible. The soul is the incorrect Tagalog translation associated with the word “kaluluwa” by Filipinos. The “soul” in Hebrew is the word “nephesh,” which means a living being or creature with life and not the kaluluwa or ghost in Tagalog.

In the next episode, we will discuss incest, the act of sexual relations or procreation with a blood relative, a heinous sin that was permitted by God in the past.


The specific Hebrew terms “כּוֹחַ מְשִׁיכָה” (ko’ach meshikha) and “כּוֹבֶד” (koved), which refer to gravitational force and weight respectively, are not found in the Bible. The Bible does not explicitly discuss the scientific concept of gravity as we understand it today.

However, the word “כּוֹבֶד” (koved), meaning “weight” or “heaviness,” is related to the Hebrew word “כָּבוֹד” (kavod), which means “glory” or “honor.” This term appears frequently in the Bible, often in the context of God’s glory. For example:

Exodus 24:17 - “And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel.”

Psalm 19:1 - “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”

About Atheista ng Pilipinas:

The name “Atheista ng Pilipinas:” is a symbolic pseudonym or pen name of the author. The author is a teacher, an engineer, and a writer. He is one of the authors of physics books used by students in the Philippines. He formally founded “The Voice of Philippine Atheism” in 2000. Additionally, he has written several books in philosophy, religion, technology, and science, which can be found on Amazon.

Disclaimer: The articles on “Atheista ng Pilipinas” are intended for balanced education. Since this site is continually edited, updated, and improved, I recommend you to check back frequently for new content. 

If you wish to use any material here for the purpose of scholarly discussion, scientific research, thesis, journals, books, please inform the author by email or cite as follows: 
* In-text citation: (Atheista ng Pilipinas, 1975)
* Reference List: Atheista (1975). Bibliya: Ebidensya Laban Sa Diyos. Philippines.
* Website: Atheista (2000). Bakit Walang Diyos.

Tags: The Voice of Philippine Atheism, atheist, Pinoy atheist, atheism, Pinoy atheismo, Philippine Atheism, Filipino Atheists, Atheists of the Philippines, Atheista ng Pilipinas

The Voice of Philippine Atheism.


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